Command: Init

Using the Init Command

cp-remote init [token]

The init command will initialise a remote environment using an initialization token. Tokens can be generated in the ContinuousPipe console when creating a remote environment.

If the initialization process is interrupted it can be restarted using the same token and by default it will continue the process where it left off. You can use the flag --reset to start any partial initializations from the beginning.

cp-remote init [token] --reset

The init command will use the default Git remote name origin to create a ContinuousPipe remote development branch. However, if you need to use a different Git remote name you can use the flag --remote-name.

cp-remote init [token] --remote-name=foo

Interactive Mode


You can read a full explanation of interactive mode, including how to get an API key and what arguments are available here.

Sometimes you may want to connect to an environment that’s not set up as a remote environment, e.g. an environment created for a pull request. You can do this using interactive mode.

You can use interactive mode with init by using the --interactive or -i flags.

cp-remote init --interactive
cp-remote init -i

If you want to change the stored username and API key, use the --reset flag:

cp-remote init --interactive --reset

Command Reference


Argument Default Description
token Initialization token. Only needs supplying for first run.


Option Alias Default Description
--config Local config file. Default is .cp-remote-settings.yml within working directory.
--remote-name origin Remote name of Git repository.


Flag Alias Default Description
--interactive -i false Use interactive mode. Interactive mode allows you specify a ContinuousPipe username and API key to run commands without a token.
--reset -r false Start any partial initializations from the beginning.