Configuring a Cluster

Before a flow can be used it needs to know where to deploy to. This is done in the “Clusters” tab of the project. You’ll be prompted to add a new cluster configuration.

To add a new cluster configuration, click the “ADD” button in the top right of the interface.

You will then be asked to choose from the following:

  • Google Container Engine - A Kubernetes cluster associated with your linked Google account
  • My Own Kubernetes Cluster - A Kubernetes cluster managed elsewhere

Google Container Engine

In order to use this option you will first need to set up a Google Cloud project. You will then need to link your Google account with ContinuousPipe, which is discussed in creating a project.

If selected, you will then be asked to enter the following:

  • Google Account - A linked Google account
  • Google Cloud Project - A Google Cloud project associated with the Google account
  • GKE Cluster - A Google Container Engine (GKE) associated with the Google Cloud project

My Own Kubernetes Cluster

In order to use this option you will first need to set up a custom Kubernetes cluster and have access credentials.

If selected, you will then be asked to enter the following:

  • Cluster Name - A name for reference within ContinuousPipe
  • Master API Endpoint - The IP address of the cluster
  • Version - The Kubernetes version of the cluster
  • Username - The username to access the cluster
  • Password - The password to access the cluster

Then click “CREATE” to finish.