Command: Forward

Using the Forward Command

The forward command will set up port forwarding from the local environment to a container on the remote environment that has a port exposed. This is useful for tasks such as connecting to a database using a local client. You need to specify the container and the port number to forward. For example, with a container named db running MySQL you would run:

cp-remote forward -s db 3306

This runs in the foreground, so in another terminal you can use the MySQL client to connect:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -u dbuser -pdbpass dbname

You can specify a second port number if the remote port number is different to the local port number:

cp-remote forward -s db 3307:3306

Here the local port 3307 is forward to 3306 on the remote, you could then connect using:

mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 -u dbuser -pdbpass dbname

You can also forward multiple ports to your local environment:

cp-remote forward -s db 3306 6379

This will forward both ports 3306 and 6379 to the same port in the local environment.

Command Reference


Option Alias Default Description
--config Local config file. Default is .cp-remote-settings.yml within working directory.
--kube-environment-name -e The full remote environment name (e.g. project-key-git-branch).
--service -s web The service to use (e.g. web, mysql).