Tasks: Creating Webhooks

You may want to configure a third party application to receive notifications about tide activity. For this you can use the web_hook task, which is one of the inbuilt tasks.

When the web_hook task is added the end of the task list, and the prior tide tasks complete successfully, a body of JSON encoded metadata will be sent to a configured URL. The metadata contains information about the tide, the git repository and branch, and the deployed endpoints. A sample metadata output is shown below.

If the prior tasks fail, the tide will fail, so the webhook will not be fired. Additionally, if the webhook does not receive a 200 HTTP status response the task will fail and the tide will fail.

In the following example a third_party_integration task containing a web_hook task has been added at the end of the task list. Assuming images and deployment are successful the webhook will fire for the address configured in the url property.

        # ...
        # ...
            url: https://example.com/my-webhook

In practice, you will probably not want to store the URL of the webhook in version control, so it is recommended that a variable is used instead. In the example below, the value of the url property would instead be stored in a WEBHOOK_URL variable set on the configuration page for the flow in the ContinuousPipe console.

        # ...
        # ...
            url: ${WEBHOOK_URL}

Metadata Format

A sample of the JSON encoded metadata body is as follows:
