ContinuousPipe can reduce the time it takes to deploy your website to any Kubernetes cluster. You can easily host your cluster on Google Container Engine, Amazon EC2 Container Service or your own private Kubernetes cluster. ContinuousPipe will bring the gap between your developers and your operational team.
On-boarding a new team member or a project is super fast. All they need is a Docker configuration and a Git repository.
The containers are deployed to your Kubernetes cluster. You can configure cluster policies to enforce different type of endpoints or resilience.
There is no requirement on the Kubernetes cluster. Nothing to install on it. Just install and scale your Kubernetes cluster.
Enable fast changes by applying continuous deployment with your Docker based application.
A shorter lead time with ContinuousPipe means faster deployments.
Based on Docker containers, the pipeline can build and deploy any kind of technology stack. You can be using Go, Java, PHP or anything else – all you need is the Docker configuration.
For an experimental feature, whatever your staging or production environment, the deployment will always be the same.
Your entire application will be deployed and orchestrated from your Docker Compose configuration.
Kubernetes can run everywhere, on your laptop as well as in large-scale clouds.
On-premise or in the cloud, ContinuousPipe will deploy to the Kubernetes cluster you have
ContinuousPipe already supports many different workflows. ContinuousPipe is an open-source product, driven by the community. Help us going forward by contributing to CP !
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