For a faster development workflow
Test and iterate on features in just minutes after a developer has created a commit or a pull-request. Gather non-technical feature before deploying to your staging environment to drastically reduce your cycle time.
from days to minutes
Using containers means that your pipeline is the same, regardless of the technology you're using. You can deploy new versions of PHP, Scala or Go applications the very same way, and allow your team to use the right solution for the right problem.
Get started with container deployment at scale on Kubernetes cluster without Kubernetes configuration. Your Kubernetes configuration is automatically generated from the DockerCompose and ContinuousPipe's files in the code repository!
from days to minutes
Your code repository is so much more than just that. By storing all the configuration in your code repository, you can also version your architecture. Deploy a runtime version change as if it were simply a feature change. Use branch names, pull-requests labels and much more to control your pipelines. Learn more here!
Your configuration is stored in your code repository in Yaml files. Compose your pipelines by ordering tasks that can build your Docker image, deploy your services, run tests or migrations, send webhooks and much more. Our API and integrations with Slack, CloudFlare and other third parties will allow you to build the perfect process.
We've already invested time in creating base Docker images for many applications so that you won't have to. Use these optional images to get started in a matter of minutes, rather than days. You can also use environments deployed by ContinuousPipe as your own development environments!